Welcome to the official site devoted to researches and development of application of the effect of Pyramids in proportions of Gold section which have already been constructed and studied for almost 15 years. These researches were held in Russia under supervision of Alexander Golod. The biggest Pyramid made of plastics and glass materials is placed on the 38-th kilometer of Moscow–Riga highway. Its height makes 44 meters.

On our official site you will find out very much interesting information about results of carried out researches and accomplished projects, having great positive effect on both human health and the ecology of entire cities and territories:
improvement of ecological situation in the city of Narimanov where before the construction of the Pyramid numerous of poisonings have been fixed for several years, due to the presence of harmful manufactures near the city;
information matrixes of the Pyramid are used on ISS (the International Space Station) and, earlier, at station "MIR";
effective application of mixtures from the Pyramid in reanimation of newborns` pathologies;
• and other important information in section "projects".
Also you get interesting information on opportunities, provided by developed technology of ABO (adaptation of biological objects) for various salvations in improving the life of a society.

If any of your questions on Alexander Golod's works on studying and use of the effect of the form of Pyramids remains unanswered, we will try to answer it in the question - answer section.