Пирамида Голода
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ПИРАМИДА, ПОЛЕЗНАЯ ДЛЯ ЗДОРОВЬЯ И ЭКОЛОГИИ, ВОССТАНОВЛЕНА (новая Пирамида получилась высотой около 14 метров: 3 метровая пристройка и 11 метровая Пирамида из стеклопластиковых конструкций; новая Пирамида значительно полезна для здоровья и экологии; вход свободный; многие основные исследования реального эффективного позитивного влияния на здоровье и экологию проводились в Пирамиде такого размера; Пирамида большей высоты дополнительно будет полезна и эффективна, особенно для масштабного улучшения экологии, идёт поиск инвестора для строительства Пирамиды высотой от семидесяти метров и выше; Пирамида находится рядом с Москвой, на Новорижском шоссе, хорошо видна с трассы; рядом площадка более 4 га, на которой можно построить и объекты с дополнительной инфраструктурой, удобные для приезжающей аудитории, можно значительно добавить площадь).

Оздоровительная Пирамида, полезная для здоровья и экологии. Пирамида Голода, пути решения экологических проблем России

Новая Пирамида, полезная для здоровья и экологии, построенная в 2017 году. Вход свободный.

Alexander Golod, who coordinated groups of scientists in Russia, carried out scientific studies for over a decade in fiberglass Pyramids built by him. The results showed significant positive effects for both biological and non-biological materials. The largest Pyramid built by Alexander Golod in Russia is 44 meters (144 feet) high and weights 55 tons.

Some of the scientific results of previous studies with Golden Section Pyramids built by Alexander Golod show:

  • The Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid (Scientific Research Institute named by Mechnikov, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences);

  • Specific properties of medicines increase with decreasing side effects after exposure in the Pyramid (SRI of Virology named by Ivanovskiy, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences);

  • Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid showed a 30-100% increase in yield;

  • Russian military radar detected an energy column above the Pyramids built by Alexander Golod which is thought to have repaired the Ozone layer in Russia (the same can be done for example in Australia);

  • The pathogenic strength of different viruses and bacteria becomes less with exposure in the pyramid;

  • The amount of radioactivity becomes less after exposure in the pyramid.

Work with more than 5000 people in jails in Russia showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved. This was attributed to the crystalline structures, which had been placed beforehand in the Pyramid and faced around the territories of jails.

Crystalline substances that had been placed in one of Alexander Golod's big pyramids were delivered on board the MIR space station in 1998. These substances remained on the MIR space station for over a year. In October 2001, crystalline substances from the Pyramid were also placed on the International Space Station for 10 days. This works were for the benefit of the space stations and the entire world.

If you are from the travel agency, excursion center or represent a group which is interested in visiting 44 meters high Pyramid - one of the places of interest near Moscow, you can read short description below. The program of excursion can be made specially for your group interests.

Pyramid near Moscow - Russian Wonder of the World.

The New World Wonder you can admire in Russia now! A huge Pyramid that combines the mystery of ancient legends with modern technologies and scientific achievements is opening its doors for excursions soon. The forty four meter high Pyramid near Moscow is built without using any metal. It is made of fiberglass constructions.

Driving 20 kilometers from Moscow Ring Road you'll get to the 38th kilometer of Moscow-Riga highway - the place where this unique architectural building was raised. Hundred thousands of people including famous actors, singers, sculptors, majors and presidents have already been to the biggest Russian Pyramid. This Pyramid was built and is researched by scientists under Alexander Golod's supervision. The monks from Japan, Korea and Tibet got interested in the Russian Pyramid, they consider it to be the ideal place, meaning the space inside and around it. Their ideas are confirmed by scientific researches made in institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All the researches showed positive influence on ecology and human health while visiting the Pyramid or using products, crystals, solutions and objects prepared there.

The spacemen who were also interested in the effects produced by the Russian Pyramid organized the unique experiment. They took the crystals from the Pyramid to Space Station "MIR" and afterwards to the International Space Station. Learning about the Russian achievements from numerous articles and interviews of CNN, BBC, ABC, AP, Boston Globe, New York Times and other international mass media, people from different countries ordered the Pyramids from Russia (which are built by ABO Company using ABO technology in Nice, Batumi and other cities).

ABO Company helps to organize excursion on the Pyramid near Moscow. If you are interested in excursion program, you can contact us by e-mail: info@ABO.RU

Effect of the Pyramids form

Alexander Golod, who coordinated groups of scientists in Russia, carried out scientific studies for over a decade in fiberglass Pyramids built by him. The results showed significant positive effects for both biological and non-biological materials. The largest Pyramid built by Alexander Golod in Russia is 44 meters (144 feet) high and weights 55 tons.

Some of the scientific results of previous studies with Pyramids built by Alexander Golod show:

  • The Immune system of organisms increased upon exposure in the pyramid (Scientific Research Institute named by Mechnikov, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences);

  • Specific properties of medicines increase with decreasing side effects after exposure in the Pyramid (SRI of Virology named by Ivanovskiy, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences);

  • Agricultural seeds placed in the pyramid showed a 30-100% increase in yield;

  • Russian military radar detected an energy column above the Pyramids built by Alexander Golod which is thought to have repaired the Ozone layer in Russia (the same can be done for example in Australia);

  • The pathogenic strength of different viruses and bacteria becomes less with exposure in the pyramid;

  • The amount of radioactivity becomes less after exposure in the pyramid.

Work with more than 5000 people in jails in Russia showed that in a few months most crimes almost disappeared and behavior was much improved. This was attributed to the crystalline structures, which had been placed beforehand in the Pyramid and faced around the territories of jails.

Crystalline substances that had been placed in one of Alexander Golod's big pyramids were delivered on board the MIR space station in 1998. These substances remained on the MIR space station for over a year. In October 2001, crystalline substances from the Pyramid were also placed on the International Space Station for 10 days. This works were for the benefit of the space stations and the entire world.


Contacts: saintglobus@mail.ru

Tel. +7 (903) 1621034


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Пирамида Голода

(пирамида, пирамиды, Александр Голод, пирамиды Александра Голода, здоровье, Золотое Сечение, технология АБО, улучшение здоровья, реальные результаты, доказательства, мнения авторитетных экспертов и ученых, научные исследования и эксперименты) Rambler's Top100