Since 1990, in Russia and other countries of near and far abroad projects
of construction and studying of Pyramids in height 11, 22 and 44 meters
were carried out. Only in 2000-2002 several pyramids have been build in
Nice (France), Sochi, Altush, Rostov, Astrakhan, Petrozavodsk, Ekaterinburg.
Recently under the initiative of Ajari government a Pyramid f 22 meters
height was constructed in the center of Batumi. Here
it is necessary to note, that all Pyramids constructed by Alexander Golod
and his employees, are based on the technology of ABO that allows to increase
considerably their efficiency (in the basis of each Pyramid crystal matrixes
specially brought up in a 44-meter Pyramid on the 38-th kilometer of Moscow
- Riga highway) are pawned. Every year the flow of received information
increases, its social, scientific and technical importance growth.
When researches have confirmed the possibility of salutary influence on ecology and people in big enough scale, these results have been applied in one of "problem" regions. So, in 2000 under the initiative of management of the Astrakhan’s division of "Gazprom", concerned with adverse ecological conditions in vicinities of gas deposit in Aksarai, the Pyramid of 22 meters height has been constructed. As a result the quantity of poisonings with derivatives of the enterprise in the nearby city of Narimanov has decreased many times over (researches of influence of the Pyramid in laboratory conditions on animals give similar result).
In 1998 on a roof of the Tolyatti city hospital by Alexander Golod and his employees a Pyramid of 11 meters height had been constructed. This Pyramid has become one of the in Tolyatti, and by responses of doctors of this hospital very effectively helps in medical process.
When in reanimation of pathologies of newborns in the hardest situations standard medical solutions processed in the Pyramid are applied, devices fix practically instant and steady improvement of condition of newborns.
In 1997 Alexander Golod had personally laid rings of crystal structures around the Garden ring road and Moscow ring road (the crystal substances processed in the Pyramid, were laid on various distance from each other depending on a contour of the road). Also around other rings roads in Moscow area crystals have been laid. In total more than forty rings of crystals have been laid around Moscow. This work has been carried out with the purpose to improve conditions in Moscow and the Moscow area, to make them more favorable for people. Similar works have been carried out in some other regions of Russia and abroad.
In 1998 the crystal substances processed in the Pyramid, have been delivered to station "MIR", and in the autumn of 2001 information matrixes of the Pyramid have visited the ISS (the international space station). At station "MIR" crystals have stayed about two years. On responses of cosmonauts they have been useful in various supernumerary situations, but the main thing – contours (circles) made by station around of the Earth, rendered positive influence on circumterraneous space. Certainly, the weight of crystals was very small for the whole planet; however it was a unique work of planetary scale.
Also 11-meter Pyramids have been constructed in 2002 in Rostov (where they already became local sight – situated in park, in territory of a complex of restaurants "Orchards ") and in Sochi (in territory of sanatorium "South ", where it also receives good responses from tourists), and also in the city of Altush on a roof of the 5-floored medical department of a boarding house «Crimean Zori» where it is effectively used in medical processes.
For 11 months of application of the effect of the form of Pyramids in numerous jails (with the help of the crystals processed in the Pyramid laid out on perimeter) the quantity of infringements of mode has fallen considerably, death rate among prisoners has considerably decreased, grave crimes in jails with total contingent of more than 5000 prisoners have disappeared (modeling of this situation on animals in Pushkinski institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics of the Russian Academy of has given same result and in same scale).
In the Pyramid
a number of the surprising phenomena take place: even at temperature-38
° water does not freeze; some substances change properties; seeds in a
consequence yield the much greater crop with the best stability to adverse
weather conditions, etc. Construction of Pyramids on an oil deposit resulted
in decrease in viscosity of oil in layers (that considerably simplified
its extraction and increased chinks’ profit). Thus, using the developed
technologies of application of the effect of the form of Pyramids, it
is possible to seriously improve quality of the most various products
(to make them more favorable for human), to solve some industrial problems.
Events of recent years and months (technological and social accidents, acts of terrorism in various regions of the world, difficult situation in frontier areas of the Russian Federations) prove necessity of presence of real mechanisms of influence and updating their development. One of such mechanisms, undoubtedly, can be the Pyramids that can be proved by experiments and practice of their application recent years.