The Study of the effect of the form of Pyramids opens the big opportunities for its application. It is necessary to note the following opportunities of application of the effect of the form of Pyramids which are confirmed with practice:
an effective salvation of a problem of cities and territories with the unbalanced ecology;
help in the salvation of a problem of epidemiological situations (by as working with territories, also salvation of problems of concrete people with their single problems);
problems of a narcotics and alcohol (rather encouraging data have been received in case of application of standard mixtures intravenously and externally at alcoholism and narcotisms even at very dangerous levels);
improvement of quality of various kinds of production (including food, drinks, medical products, etc.)
simplification of some technological processes, etc.
salvation of problems of natural cataclysms;
salvation of problems of burial places of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological waste products and safety of corresponding manufactures;
qualitatively new approach to means of telecommunication, means of storage and transfer of the information (radar-tracking installations fix « a power column » above Pyramids in some kilometers height; with such "aerial" it is possible to step up to the most serious fundamental problems).
Certainly, additional
efforts of the Science are necessary: physics, philosophies, biology,
etc. to understand the phenomenal events of our world and to use them
with maximal efficiency.
Soon this section of this site will be enlarged. About some innovations for transfer of effective influence of the Pyramid you can refer sections «Technology of ABO» and «Copies of the Pyramid».