One of the major directions of studying the effect of the form of Pyramids in the proportions of Gold Section constructed under the direction of Alexander Golod, are the researches carried out in various scientific research institutes and laboratories. It is the practice of studying opportunities of application of the effect of the form of the Pyramid has provided basic information necessary for use of Pyramids in interests of the humans and an environment (information on some results of such you can find in section "projects").
Results of some which have been carried out last years are below listed:
In institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics of the Russian Academy of Science the following results have been received (the deputy director on scientific work doctor of medical sciences E.I.Maevsky, director of group of experimental transplantology and neurochemistry candidate of biological sciences A.V.Kulikov, director of laboratory of proliferation regulation and destructions of cells doctor of biological sciences J.N.Korystov):
During research of influence of mixtures from the Pyramid on animals in stressful conditions it has been revealed, that influence of a mixture from the Pyramid bears strongly pronounced antistressful influence. Application of the effect of the form of the Pyramid optimizes timus cellousity (one of the parameters, describing the immunological status of an organism), not allowing him "to fall down" aside a growing old organism.
As a result of research of influence of information matrixes (4 blocks of crystal plaster in gross weight of 1 gramme), made in the Pyramid, on animals (mouse) at creation of a model of social stress in addition to the results described above have been revealed obvious reduction in a level of animals’ aggression.
In scientific research institute of a vaccine by Menchikov Russian Academy of Medical Science (director of laboratory –doctor of medical sciences, professor, honored worker of a science of the Russian Federation Egorova N.B.):
Influence of living organisms inside the Pyramid on reactance of an organism on an infection was studied: it is authentically established, that survival rate of mice, exposed in the Pyramid, considerably exceeds those in group of control animals. As a conclusion it can be spoken about powerful immunomodulating influence of the Pyramid on nonspecific reactance of an organism, i.e. application of effect of the form of the Pyramid considerably strengthens immunity.
When studying influence of water, exposed in the Pyramid, it has been revealed, that the probability of occurrence of tumors in the animals drinking water from the Pyramid in several times is lower, than in animals drinking usual water.
In scientific research institute of virology by Ivanovski Russian Academy of Medical Science (the academician of Russian Academy of Medical Science S.M. Klimenko, doctor of medical sciences N.N. Nosik, doctor of medical sciences D.N. Nosik):
Research of influence of a field of a pyramid on limfoblastoid cells of a human has been carried out. In result have been received the data on stimulating influence of the nutrient medium prepared on water, exposed in the Pyramid, on viability and poliferative activity of human cells. The increase in time of preservation of viability of cells is revealed in comparison with the control.
Here carried out research of influence of a field of the Pyramid on antivirus activity of an antibody. The following result has been received: the antibody in concentration of 0,5 mkg / ml, not rendering protective action on cells, after being exposed in the Pyramid possessed more expressed virus inhibiting action, than in 100 times more concentrated usual preparation. Practically antivirus activity of an antibody (venous globule) has ceased to being dependent on its concentration.
In Hematological a centre of science of Russian Academy of Medical Science (professor Makarov V.A.):
For studying the influence of water, exposed in the Pyramid, on curtailing system of blood, research of this water in experiment on rabbits has been carried out. As a result reduction protromboning time (increase in speed of curtailing of blood) and increase in number trombocites is authentically revealed.
SPC "Gidrometpribor" (the general director – Golod A.E.):
After exposing of seeds of various agricultural crops in the Pyramid, extensive areas were sowed with them (tens thousand hectares). In all cases (more than 20 cultures) research has shown an increase of a crop of 20-100 % (depending on culture). Besides crops were much less ill and better stayed through a drought.
A Pyramid has been established on territory of one of oil deposits. In several days after its installation viscosity of oil in layers has decreased by 30 %, has accordingly increased chinks’ profit.
Around several prisons rings of stones processed in the Pyramid have been laid. Prisoners (in the sum about 6 thousand person) have used for several months table salt which has visited the Pyramid. As a result for 11 months death rate in these establishments has decreased by 3,5 times, grave crimes have disappeared, the quantity of infringements of mode has decreased in several times. Heads of these establishments remarked, that prisoners "became more human and social".
Most interesting fact is that all researches yield positive results, that is what allows to draw a conclusion that the Pyramid in proportions of the Gold Section, constructed with observance of all rules and stages, harmonizes surrounding space and optimizes its structure (for more information check section «The mechanism of action»).
This section will be soon filled up with the description of other carried out researches. About some results of application of the effect of the form of the Pyramid you can read in section "projects".